Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I'm in a class called Brainstorm this semester. It's basically an interdisciplinary class that allows us to create our own independent projects, that focus on the intersection of neuroscience. Additionally the class is kind of based off of this piece that the Everett Dance Company is creating [which is one of the first things that drew me to the class (hopefully I'll be dancing for the final project)].
Anyway for the first project I decided to explore neurons as character designs.

Here's the initial sketch stage where I explored the form of unipolar, bipolar, multipolar, and pyramidal neurons.

 I started with the basic diagrammatic form of the bipolar neuron, and then came up with this guy

And here's the finalized sketches (one line drawing exploring the design, one page showing off the neuron's personality/turn arounds, and a rough color study:


