In my free time during Wintersession I was exploring new ways to use acrylic paints, and this method explored underpainting to focus on strong value structure/hierarchies of light. And it really helped to separate value and color, not to mention I love moments when the underpaintings peak from beneath the painting (like the alazarin crimson coming through the viridian greens).
However in a rush to explore this type of painting, I created two pieces that are super generic for me that concept. I think the filenames say alot about the concepts (YELL AND STEAL MAH JEWEL.jpg and my favorite: I GOTTA hahaaaaa xP
Not to mention it continued my pattern of super nebulous environments/figures floating in space/only showing from the torso up.
Heh, I'm a huge fan of atmosphere and such, but I feel like I need alot more clarity in my environments before I continue to ~nebulify~ them.
(Nebulify definitely isn't a word, but it's a Sailor Moon transformation/attack in the making :D~ )
Anyway there's alot of good stuff for me to learn from these~ but I'm not sure if I'll be completing either of them. I do enjoy the two characters in I GOTTA JAR~! though :P
Also check out my superb anatomical skills in that clavicle of hers. . . x___x
1 comment:
Hey, I like them. It feels like there's a story within each of these pieces waiting to get out.
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