Sunday, May 30, 2010

Some videos from the end of the year

I have a brand new respect for animators. I LOVE watching animations, but creating them is another story. I am really drawn (ding dong.) to the illustrative elements of animation like storyboarding, concept art, and any element of the pre-production art. But when it comes to worrying about x amount of frames and timing, things get a little srhofhweoqoadsjaasdlkjsKODFJDSBAS. :D

But here are the two projects I probably enjoy most from that class.

Telephone from Odera Igbokwe on Vimeo.

Computer Girl from Odera Igbokwe on Vimeo.

Although I didn't necessarily enjoy the process, I feel like I've learned alot from these animations. And they'll definitely inform the rest of my work :D

FAV has slowly crept into my Illustration work as well (are they even separate things nao?!!?). Like this nifty ~pattern~ assignment I did for Oren's class.

Heartbeat from Odera Igbokwe on Vimeo.

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